
When I was a child I was terrified of the dark. Nighttime was a real battle for me. If I could get to sleep, I would wake up scared to death and unable to fall back to sleep. Shadows danced across my walls imitating the trees outside my window. My vivid imagination assured me there were monsters in the closet and under the bed. It took all the courage I could muster to stick my foot out of the covers and race down the hall where my father slept. 

My father would listen and then take me by the hand and lead me back to my room. Once there, he would tuck me in again and stand guard over me until I fell back asleep. 

My father’s presence changed everything.

My circumstances didn’t change. My room was still dark. Shadows still danced on my wall. Monsters were still lurking where I could not see. I was still six years old and still helpless to defeat the monsters, the darkness, and my fears. 

But with my dad next to me, I had peace and assurance. I felt safe and protected. I knew that he was able to handle anything that would come. My fears subsided even without any change in my circumstances.

I would often wake to see my father sleeping in the chair next to my bed … still standing guard. That picture of his love still tenders my heart, spills out of my eyes, and drips down my cheeks. 

Perhaps you have not known the love of an earthly father like mine. But there is a God in heaven who longs to be your heavenly Father.

His Presence changes everything. 

He is able to handle whatever comes your way. With Him all fear subsides. No matter what darkness surrounds you, you can lay down and sleep in peace knowing He stands guard over you. 

My earthy father’s love sent him to my bedroom where he lovingly watched over me. My heavenly’s Father’s love sent His beloved Son to Calvary to die for my sins. The Heavenly Father’s love far surpasses any earthly love. 

And unlike my earthly father, my Heavenly Father never slumbers. He is all powerful and all knowing. Darkness is as light to Him. He is always with me. He is truly able. 

I’m forever grateful for the love of my earthly father and his visible reminder of my Heavenly Father. In this scary world, I often feel like that same helpless six-year-old facing more than I can handle. But I will never face more than my God can handle. 

My prayer is that you experience His nearness. 

His Presence truly does change everything. 

The Lord is my protector; he is my strong fortress.

My God is my protection, and with him I am safe.

He protects me like a shield; he defends me and keeps me safe.

~ Psalm 18:2 GNT